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Roberts Robertine

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Roberts Robertine last won the day on May 1

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  1. Yes please lol. Maybe a moderation strike for abusing the game system tbh.
  2. By official decree from the Emperor and his Diet, The Holy Roberts Empire recognizes a state of hostilities between the glorious Empire and its barbarous neighbors: The SCP. A multitude of border skirmishes and raids have occurred in lands that lie directly under Imperial protection, culminating in the burning and looting of an esteemed bishopric. These heinous and devious crimes cannot go unanswered, the Empire will bring its full force to bear in defense of our members and SCP will be noted in history as treaty-breakers for violating the Golden Treaty. Peace will be found, either through force of arms or clever word, but for now the Empire rides to war.
  3. I think, in general, the building system will need to have some hard-caps to create balance but for now I will solely focus on military: Barracks should be hard-capped based on something reasonable so nations cannot infinitely arms-race (as we're seeing right now). This is wildly unrealistic. Standing armies just didn't exist during the medieval time period, and especially not standing armies consisting of double-digit ratios. My army, for example, is over 10% of my population. Realism is not being felt, which I think is a big piece of the attraction to historical settings like RoK, and gameplay is being hindered by the infinite arms-race occurring between the active top nations. My quick-fix solution: Barracks buildings should be hard-capped at 33% of your housing level OR maximum military should be capped at 5% of your total population (which is still unrealistically high). My deeper solution: Still apply the hard-cap, but also recruited units should take away from your total population until they are disbanded. Upkeep costs should be raised a bit. Basically your economy should not be functional while your troops are raised: Reflecting that medieval armies were most often levies pulled from the working male population of the region. Pulling half of your able-bodied population should have an impact on long-term economic outlook. Combined with a seasonal system where you can campaign in the summer months and have your men home to plant in spring and harvest in autumn, this could become a pretty deep war system... yes I've been playing a lot of manor lords.
  4. Should this instead be a variable like X number of turns worth of income? So it can age up as nations do? $1m was a lot of money when we were making $30k a turn, but the new economic updates/schools can put you on 100k+ per turn pretty easily so $1m is only a week's worth of income for a "small" (one month old) nation. I could see this becoming irrelevant very quickly just based on how long nationsims usually run for.
  5. The Holy Roberts Empire formally declares our existence. The Holy Roberts Empire, hitherto referred to as the HRE, hereby founds a glorious Empire that is built upon the foundations of mutual respect and medieval history appreciation. We will strive to do things a little bit differently than the same formula from other worlds, whilst protecting ourselves against threats internal or external. The Empire functions as a simplified version of the historical Holy Roman Empire: An Emperor at the top, selected by electors upon the Emperor's retirement. The Emperor has authority or power to delegate authority as-needed (I know not fully historical). HRE Government lineup: The Emperor, His Imperial Majesty: Roberts The Pope, His Most Holy Imminence: Wizel The Seven Prince Electors: Pascal, Autumn Alsainn, Ara, Shizzle, Kaurv, Wizel, and Lucius Konst Magistratum: Alaskanuke The Holy Roberts Empire runs on an internal system of feudal ranking that any member may climb, as well as a Dynastic prestige system that we track purely for medieval flavor and fun. We also hold monthly Diets to facilitate this roleplay and fun. If this sounds appealing to you, please drop by our discord and ping us. Discord link: https://discord.gg/NyatFmAYhY
  6. Weather played such a huge role in life until very recently in history. It would be cool to see this reflected in-game and add some strategy elements to the gameplay: Each seasons lasts for 28 turns (14 days irl). Spring: 1.0x food production, -5% troop maintenance costs, -20% troop recruitment costs, +1% disease rate, +2% crime rate Summer: 2.5x food production, -10% troop maintenance cost, -20% troop recruitment costs, +10% troop combat strength, 0% disease rate, +4% crime rate Autumn: 0.75x food production, +5% troop maintenance cost, 0% recruitment cost, +4% disease rate, +1% crime rate Winter: 0.1x food production, +20% troop maintenance cost, +20% recruitment cost, -10% troop combat strength, +10% disease rate, 0% crime rate This could be expanded out further with buildings, policies, projects, whatever for the different seasons as well.
  7. Been testing this out recently and I have some feedback based on larger-scale conflict: Battles - It would be cool to see more depth added here than just a single click. Maybe multiple rolls played out on the screen, maybe choices like a rock paper scissors game that gives your opponent time to respond, etc. Cavalry - I think cav is a bit overtuned compared to warriors. Warriors have served no function, even with the very limited economy I've seen almost everyone using full cavalry stacks. Other games solved this by introducing a ratio of cav to infantry before the cav takes penalties like EU4. Cost - I know games aren't always striving for realism but standing armies were both usually small and rare in medieval times. Most areas used a feudal levy system that pulled peasants into the army in times of need rather than permanently stationed professional soldiers. It should be way more costly to always have an army, especially an army of all mounted units (cav). Going into flavor though, it would be cool to see a levy system introduced instead of a standing army system.
  8. Pretty simple flavor change. Instead of everything being $ make it g. 1000g, 100g, etc.
  9. I honestly prefer the slower pacing that you're going for. So I would say do not start to delineate things to each hour, keep it at twice a day. The other two thoughts would be pretty good changes. I'm assuming production just means food/water/lumber/iron, not cash? My suggestion would simply be implement changes 1 and 3 and see where that lands us. The biggest issue is that income and building cost are mismatched where starting the game feels like you're already in the end-game and needing to save for multiple days/weeks to make significant growth. I'm not at the point with any buildings where they cost lumber or iron, but I'm still needing to wait multiple days to make a single building purchase. Combine that with the amount of raids we're seeing and it gets painful to try to save money for these big purchases.
  10. Searchable "World" Tab A separate "Alliances" tab rather than being nested in "World" Display of your current holdings somewhere on Kingdom tab like it does for Buildings and Revenue Instead of every turn sending a message telling you what you got, have it display a table on the revenue page for the past X number of turns (at least the past 7 days) On the Buildings page, have a table that shows your "maximum" outputs so you can always see what your money/food/water/iron/lumber output/input will look like with your current build. Even if you aren't at your maximum population yet. Allow Buy Offers on the market Expand the "World" tab's information to show how many battle slots each nation still has for that turn
  11. 5 days is an extremely long time to result from one naval battle, and the forever-blockade from a single ship has always been a flaw from games like PnW. Not to mention that fire-and-forget blockades lasting a full week is just an unfun player experience as well as unrealistic. Some actionable thoughts: 1. Blockades require investment on the part of the blockading nation. Ships cost 2x-10x more while maintaining a blockade. 2. Shorten blockade times extensively. 5 days doesn't match anything else in the game right now. I'd say 12-24 hours tops would be more in-line with the rest of the battles system, but allow repeated blockades (with a cap of 5 days?) 3. Force an offensive slot to be committed while a blockade is maintained. So every turn you have a blockade on someone active, you only have 4 other slots to do battles with. 4. Allow blockades to be ended by the attacker at any time. 5. Require a minimum amount of ships in order to achieve a blockade. Maybe base this on the population density of the defender and have it display on the attack screen.
  12. Honestly it's hard to say as of yet because the game is so new. I have no idea how much inhibitor is needed. Suggestion: Rename Landfill to Trash Pit or Trash Pyre. Rename Sewers to Latrines. Have sewers be a higher level building that impacts sewage in a larger way. Idk what a tier 2 trash pit could be. Maybe a landfill.
  13. Could also do City Guard, Guard Houses, City Walls, etc.
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